New Works by Ennis Martin
June 1-30, 2019
See something you like?
Works from this exhibit are available for immediate reservation/purchase via email to with your first and last name, phone number (in case we need to contact you with any questions) and your selection(s) including the item number. If you have multiple selections but only want the first (or first two for example) that are available, please note that in your email. We will respond with a payment link to complete the reservation if your request is the first received.
About the Artist
Ennis Martin was born and raised in Chicago. His childhood was filled with inspiring illustrations that he found in comics. The artistry and story-telling that he found in comic books he poured over when he was young led to a healthy appreciation for art and the desire to have a hand in it himself.
For a time he dabbled in graffiti; he took a few courses at the International Academy of Art in Chicago and finally he settled into a style and story that permeates throughout his current artwork. Martin identifies his expression in art as primarily self-taught and continues to devote himself to perfecting his craft in his Chicago home and studio.
Purchasing an Exhibit Piece
To purchase an exhibit piece please note the item name and number and email us at with your first and last name, phone number (in case we need to contact you with any questions) and your selection(s) including the item number. If you have multiple selections but only want the first (or first two for example) that are available, please note that in your email.
We will respond to your email and provide an online invoice that you can use to make the purchase if the items you want are available. For new exhibits (preview) we usually respond in 1-3 hours at most, for ongoing or past exhibits expect a response in 48 hours or less. Payments will be required upon receipt of the payment link to guarantee your purchase.
For ongoing exhibits, all shipping charges will be invoiced separately at the end of the exhibit. Shipping invoices will be sent within 5 days (approximately) of the end of the exhibit.
For purchases from exhibits that have ended we will provide a shipping quote before collecting payment.
Our promotional shipping rate ($6.95 Flat Rate/Free Shipping) is not applicable to gallery purchases, sorry.