rotofugi gallery

Method for Panic Attacks

Method for Panic Attacks
New Works by James 'Jimbot' Demski
April 13-March 12, 2024

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Click on images to enlarge / view slideshow with additional images. Sizes are width x height x depth.

Artwork by Jimbot
Acrylic, Ink, & Collage on Handmade Paper
8 x 10 in.

Artwork by Jimbot
Acrylic on Canvas
36 x 48 in.

Artwork by Jimbot
Best Buds
Acrylic, Ink, & Collage on Handmade Paper
8 x 10 in.

Artwork by Jimbot
Get Off My Head
Acrylic, Ink, & Collage on Handmade Paper
4 x 6 in.

Artwork by Jimbot
Time for a Rest
Acrylic, Ink, & Collage on Handmade Paper
4 x 6 in.

Artwork by Jimbot
Acrylic, Ink, & Collage on Handmade Paper
8 x 10 in.

Artwork by Jimbot
Let’s Talk 5’s
Acrylic, Ink, & Collage on Handmade Paper
8 x 10 in.

Artwork by Jimbot
Future Visions
Acrylic, Ink, & Collage on Handmade Paper
8 x 10 in.

Artwork by Jimbot
Acrylic on Wood Panel
9 x 12 in.

Artwork by Jimbot
2-Headed Wood Kaiju
Acrylic on Wood Sculpture
6.5 x 19 x 10 in.

Artwork by Jimbot
Limited Engagement
Acrylic on Wood Sculpture
10 x 19 x 6 in.

Artwork by Jimbot
Acrylic on Wood Sculpture
11 x 17 x 6 in.

Artwork by Jimbot
Poor Goblin
Acrylic on Wood Sculpture, Resin
16 x 6 x 6 in.
Artwork by Jimbot
Spirit Guide
Acrylic on Wood Sculpture
19 x 18 x 10.5 in.

Artwork by Jimbot
Galaxy Robo
Acrylic on Wood Sculpture
3 x 4 x 3 in.

Artwork by Jimbot
Onboard Bird
Acrylic on Wood Sculpture
6 x 15 x 4 in.

Artwork by Jimbot
If Fisher Price Made a Tank
Acrylic on Wood Sculpture
8 x 16 x 8 in.

Artwork by Jimbot
Acrylic on Wood Sculpture
6 x 10 x 5.5 in.

Artwork by Jimbot
Birdhouse Pals
Acrylic on Wood Sculpture
4 x 12 x 6 in.

Artwork by Jimbot
New Nest
Acrylic on Wood Sculpture w/ Glass Dome
6 x 9.5 x 6 in.

Artwork by Jimbot
Walking Advertisement
Acrylic on Wood Sculpture
6 x 15 x 7 in.

Artwork by Jimbot
Have a Nice Day
Acrylic on Wood Sculpture
7 x 12 x 4 in.

Artwork by Jimbot
Peacekeeper 333
Acrylic on Wood Sculpture
9 x 11 x 6 in.

Artwork by Jimbot
Steam Powered
Acrylic on Wood Sculpture
11 x 22 x 12 in.

Artwork by Jimbot
Cosmic Titan Totem
Acrylic on Wood Sculpture
6 x 16 x 4 in.

Artwork by Jimbot
3 Sacred Planets Keeper Totem
Acrylic on Wood Sculpture
8 x 16.5 x 4 in.

Artwork by Jimbot
Cosmic Horror Totem
Acrylic on Wood Sculpture
5 x 16.5 x 4 in.

Artwork by Jimbot
Junkyard Shogun Warrior
Acrylic on Wood Sculpture
11 x 28 x 6 in.

Artwork by Jimbot
Acrylic on Wood Sculpture
6.5 x 20 x 14 in.


About the Artist

James Demski is a Milwaukee-based artist also known by the moniker “Jimbot.” His art takes you into other worlds where the unusual can happen, beauty is around us, and your daydreams can become a reality.

What exactly is happening is often left up to the viewer’s interpretations and how they view the clues left behind by the artist.  He creates these worlds to escape to, and for the viewers to enjoy. James uses acrylic paint, dry transfer letters, pencil and ink to convey his thoughts, and wants the viewer to enjoy his works as much as he enjoyed creating them.

This is Jimbot's seventh solo show at Rotofugi.


Note from the Artist

This body of work — Method for Panic Attacks — represents something very special to me. It marks a new direction and new explorations, but not for reasons you might think.

A few years ago, I had some bad physical health issues, and that in turn pushed my already extremely crippling mental health issues into some very dark places. As a result, I ended up not being able to create how I was used to creating.

My hands wouldn't work like they used to, my mind was not well, and I gave up creating for almost two years thinking that I was done making art for at least the foreseeable future.

But something happened.

If you are familiar with my work, you might notice that it has taken a bit of a different direction. My paintings are generally bigger and/or looser, and I am doing MUCH more sculpture. I decided to start working WITH what was happening to me, instead of against it, and adapt what I did.

Creating is just too much a part of who I am. I started following paths that I had always wanted to follow, and started creating work that could tolerate my now shaky hands, and help me with my depression and anxiety. I couldn't create like I used to, but I decided that it wasn't a BAD thing ... just the NEXT thing. I began to enjoy my work again, and having fun with my art. I felt like I was again doing what I was meant to be doing. This work is the result of that journey.

I hope you enjoy this batch of work .... I am very proud of it.

—Jimbot, April 2024

Purchasing an Exhibit Piece

Please use the provided add to cart buttons to place your order. Exhibit pieces will ship after the exhibit ends on May 12, 2024 and shipping will be invoiced separately.


All shipping charges will be invoiced separately within 5 days of the end of the exhibit, or as soon as we have the artwork packaged if this is no longer our current exhibit.

Our promotional shipping rate (Flat Rate/Free Shipping) is not applicable to gallery purchases, sorry.
