rotofugi gallery

painting of cute monster boy in space scene

Adventures of Heart

New Works by Shon Chen
presented by How2Work & The Little Hut
July 13-August 11, 2024

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cute cat tarot card made out of cut paper

Mystic Cats

New Works by Michelle Romo
June 22-July 21, 2024

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Recent Exhibits

For additional previous exhibit listings please see the "Exhibits/Catalog" menu at the top of this page. A calendar of upcoming exhibits is shown in the footer below. Thank you.

cute robot with hearts painting by ChrisRWK

Outside Looking Out

June 15-July 7, 2024

cute orange cartoon character with big head

Variety Show

Michael Fleming
May 18-June 9, 2024

plush toy version of Godzilla

Absolute Creatures

Huggable Koi
May 18-June 9, 2024

Colorful painting of a robot shooting missiles out of it's arm

Method for Panic Attacks

James 'Jimbot' Demski
April 13-May 12, 2024